101 - Privatization in Tunisia, Jamal Saghir, 1993.
102 - Export Credits:R eview and ProspectsW, aman S. Tambe, Ning S. Zhu, 1993.
103 -Argentinas Privatization Program, Myrna Alexander, Carlos Corti, 1993.
104 - EasternE uropeanE xperiencwe ith Small-ScalPe rivatizationA: CollaborativSet udy with the CentralE uropeanU niversity
Privatization Project, 1994.
105 -Japans Main Bank System and the Role of the Banking System in TSEs, Satoshi Sunumura, 1994.
106 - SellingS tate Companiest o StrategicI nvestors:T radeS aleP rivatizationsi n Poland,H ungary,t he CzechR epublic,a nd
the Slovak Republic, Volumes 1 and 2, Susan L. Rutledge, 1995.
107 -JapaneseN ationalR ailwaysP rivatizationS tudy II: InstitutionalizingM ajor PolicyC hangea nd ExaminingE conomic
Implications, Koichiro Fukui, Kiyoshi Nakamura, Tsutomu Ozaki, Hiroshi Sakmaki, Fumitoshi Mizutani, 1994.
108 -ManagementC ontractsA: Review of InternationalE xperience,H afeez Shaikh, Maziar Minovi, 1995.
109 - Commercial Real Estate Market Development in Russia, April L. Harding, 1995.
110 - ExploitingN ew Market Opportunitiesi n TelecommunicationsL:e ssonsforD evelopingC ountries,V eronique Bishop,
Ashoka Mody, Mark Schankerrnan, 1995.
111 - BestM ethods of Railway Restructuringa nd Privatization, Ron Kopicki, Louis S. Thompson, 1995.
112 - EmployeeS tock OwnershipP lans (ESOPs),O bjectivesD, esignO ptionsa nd InternationalE xperienceJ,e ffrey R. Gates,
Jamal Saghir, 1995.
113 - AdvancedInfrastructureforT ime Management,T he CompetitiveE dge in EastAsia,A shokaM ody, William Reinfeld,
114 - Small Scale Privatization in Kazakhstan, Aldo Baietti, 1995.
1 1 5 - Airport InfrastructureT: he EmergingR ole of the PrivateS ector,R ecentE xperiencesB asedo n Ten CaseS tudies,E llisJ .
Juan, 1995.
116 - Methods of Loan Guarantee Valuation and Accounting, Ashoka Mody, Dilip Patro, 1995.